Tuesday, March 2, 2010


[All of the boats in Lahaina harbor evacuated to the middle of the channel. This was our view for the Tsunami that never happened, our house is about 10 feet above sea level in the palm trees at the bottom of the picture.]

On 6am Saturday February 27th Jesse and I were awoken to the klaxon sirens of the civil defense system. We ran downstairs and turned on the TV Tsunami!!! Wait Tsunami coming six hours from now. Back to bed we went to be awoken every hour on the hour by the same sleep killing sirens.

So at about 9:30 am we woke up and started watching the news coverage. A tsunami was headed our way which would hit at exactly 11:26am. We made coffee may some eggs. Debated on whether we should wait to see what happens in Hilo on the big island before we evacuate (giving us a solid 15 minutes to get to higher ground). The news told us to get a weeks worth of water and toilet paper and canned goods. We listed and decided to pack up and head up hill at about 10:30am.

We drove up the hill behind our house and broke our the hand crank radio and the cooler. 11:26 news reporters state that the tsunami is on "hawaii time" and will get here when it gets here. 12:30 people start giving up and going home. We head home at 1pm.

New 9 foot Kazuma Surfboard

Romain Hearts

All the tastelessness of lettuce without the pesky vitamins and chlorophyll.